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Do more with less!

Weekly OKR Planning & Summaries, To-Dos, and Pomodoro Timer - Founded on Monotasking Theory.

Weedone(= week + done) is not a traditional GTD app, and it helps you focus on what truly counts,

We wanted Weedone to be a tool that would be a good practice for Monotasking and simple enough (hopefully without too much documentation to explain usage).

No support for adding unlimited tasks: if you want to plan all your trips and collect all your tasks, we recommend you use other scheduling, TODO applications
A task has no subtasks
A task has no Due Date, deadline, or target date

Current Week (shortlist): always put the most important tasks to be done at the moment. Up to 7 tasks are supported.
Week (time box): We plan our goals in weeks
Garden (staging list): up to 100. I hope you can regularly and often clean up
Tomato clock: each task will be associated with a tomato clock by default, using the tomato work method to maintain focus and thinking switch

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